Welcome to the Sponsor Workspace!
This tool is a one-stop-shop where you can update booth settings and layout, add resources and Playlists, and view your booth's analytics in order to get the most out of your virtual event experience.
This article presents a high-level overview of the Sponsor Workspace. Topics include:
Navigating the Sponsor Workspace
After you have logged in to the Sponsor Workspace, you will be asked to select your event then select your booth. You will then be taken to the Booth Settings page, which gives you a quick summary of your booth description, resources, booth reps, meetings, and a general "booth completeness" statistic.
Use the navigation menu on the left side of the screen to jump to different pages within the Sponsor Workspace.
Click the question mark icon in the top right corner of the screen to open Social27's Hep Center.
Exploring the Sponsor Workspace Pages
The following pages are available in the Sponsor Workspace:
- Dashboard: Contains all the statistics and reports related to your booth, including booth visitors, Playlist views, resource downloads, chat log, and booth rep connections
- Booth Settings: Home page statistics and access to the Edit Sponsor page, which includes booth name, logo, description, and Area(s) of Interest
- Booth Members: Displays a list of all users who have been assigned to your booth as booth representatives
- Booth Layout: Shows what your booth page looks like and allows you to update your banner image and logo
- Roundtables: Allows you to add sponsored Roundtables and Boardrooms (meetings) to your booth
- Content Hub: Displays all the content items that have been uploaded and can be added to Playlists
- Playlist: Allows you to build a Playlist on your booth from the content items available in the Content Hub
- Resources: Allows you to upload resources to your booth that visitors can download
- Activity Logs: Shows a log of all edits and changes that have been made to the booth, including who made the change and when
- Preview: A quick link that loads your booth in a new browser tab, allowing you to quickly see what your booth looks like on the event site.
Further Reading:
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