This article contains a list of terms (ordered alphabetically) that are used throughout the Social27 products and platform.
Analytics, also called Dashboard, contains reports gained from overall event interaction, such as when a user engages with the platform content, sessions, sponsor microsites, and more. Analytics are visible in the Social27 Events Builder for event owners and Sponsor Workspace for sponsors.
Areas of Interest
Areas of Interest (AOIs) indicate certain topics an attendee wants to learn more about during an event. They further personalize the attendee's experience and link them to recommended sessions or attendees. AOIs ensure attendees see the content and connections most relevant to them.
Upon entering your event, attendees are prompted to select their AOIs. The AOIs they select:
- Dictate what section their Hello World! video is uploaded to
- Populate their Recommended Agenda with relevant sessions
- Show them Soapbox videos that might interest them
Attendee Directory
The Attendee Directory contains a searchable list of all attendees who have registered for the event. Attendees can “connect” with one another from this page or schedule a conversation using Roundtables. Clicking a profile allows any attendee to chat with the other attendee and view the “About Me” information supplied by that attendee.
Attendee Site / Attendee Web Experience
The Attendee Site, also called the Attendee Web Experience and the Event Site, is the event website itself where attendees, speakers, moderators, and sponsors log in and interact with one another via sessions, chats, Roundtables/Boardrooms, and Happy Hours.
Automated Emails
Automated emails are event-specific email notifications that are sent to users throughout the event. They include an event-specific banner, as well as verbiage arranged by the event owner. Automated emails are sent for various actions such as: welcome email upon registering for event, creating Roundtables, platform chats between users, and more. Ask your Customer Success Manager for a sample email template.
Badges, along with points, are awarded to users who complete a certain set of actions or activities set up by the event owner. Event owners must decide which actions or activities will be incentivized. Badges are shown on a user's My Profile page and the event Leaderboard in the Networking Lounge.
Boardrooms are similar to Roundtables. They enable users to join video meetings via Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Social27’s native solution, or a custom link. (Event owners can choose which of these solutions they want to offer in their event.) Unlike Roundtables, Boardrooms allow for up-to 15 users on Social27 and up to 30 users in a Zoom or Microsoft Teams supported Boardroom. If a Social27 MeetUp Boardroom is full, users can join via “View Only” in which they cannot participate, but they instead can listen and view presentations that are delivered during the meeting.
Booths (also called microsites) are located on the Expo Hall page. Booths contain information about the various organizations that are sponsoring the event, including Playlists, provided resources from a sponsor, and sponsor contact methods.
Broadcast Notifications
Event owners can arrange in advance for broadcast notifications to be sent to all users on the event platform for announcements such as: when a session starts, any updates or changes, and more. These notifications will appear in the lower left corner of the screen and can be viewed by clicking Notifications in the left navigation panel.
Challenges can be enabled by the event owner for users to earn points and badges to make the virtual event experience more engaging. Challenges range from completing a My Profile page to connecting with other users to watching a certain number of sessions. Please see your Customer Success Manager for more Gamification information.
Chats can be sent directly to a specific user via the Chats tab on the user's profile page. Additionally, chats can be sent in the context of a session. There are two ways for users to engage in session chats:
- Unmoderated Chat: Unmoderated chat is a general chat attached to a specific session where users can interact and comment on the session in which they are attending.
- Moderated Chat: Moderated chat allows users to send questions to a moderator who will surface those questions to the session's speaker(s) so that they can be addressed during the session or session Q&A.
Connect buttons allow users to connect and chat with each other. These Connect buttons appear in the Networking Lounge, on the Speakers page, and on sponsor booths. Once connected, users can chat privately in their profiles or set up a Roundtable and meet face-to-face.
Content Hub
The Content Hub in the Events Builder is a destination where event owners, sponsors, and exhibitors can find and upload content or information imported into Social27 Events Builder or an individual microsite.
Dashboard, also called Analytics, contains reports gained from overall event interaction, such as when a user engages with the platform content, sessions, sponsor microsites, and more. Analytics are visible in the Social27 Events Builder for event owners and Sponsor Workspace for sponsors.
Event Site
The Event Site, also called the Attendee Site and the Attendee Web Experience, is the event website itself where attendees, speakers, moderators, and sponsors log in and interact with one another via sessions, chats, Roundtables/Boardrooms, and Happy Hours.
Events Builder
The web-based tool that event owners use to create and edit the various pages of their event. This is sometimes called the back-end tool. This tool also contains reports gained from overall event interaction, such as when a user engages with the platform content, sessions, sponsor microsites, and more.
Exhibitors are also known as sponsors. Exhibitors information will be displayed on the Expo Hall page, as well as on their individual microsite. Exhibitors can access their microsite, connect with leads at the event via chat and Roundtables, and view analytics about microsite resources, or content in created Playlists.
Gamification incentivizes event engagement by awarding users points and badges for various actions or activities. Points and badges are tracked through the Leaderboard on the Networking Lounge page. Event owners must decide which actions or activities will be incentivized.
General Settings
The General Settings page in the Events Builder contains high-level settings for an event.
Happy Hour
Happy Hours are large, ongoing group chats during an event that are based around specific topics of interest. Happy Hours can hold up to 49 users. Happy Hours can also feature sessions that align with the Happy Hour Area of Interest. After connecting in a Happy Hour, users can keep the conversation going in 1:1 chats or in a Roundtable.
Hello World!
Upon setting up their profiles, users can upload a 30-second video introducing themselves to everyone at the event. Once they’ve approved their video, it surfaces in the Hello World! section of the Networking Lounge and on a user’s My Profile page. Users can get to know other users with common interests in an intuitive way that mimics Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories, TikTok, etc. When users find a video they like, they can react to the video and/or connect with the user similar to social media platforms.
Incognito provides anonymity to a user during the event. Once a user has gone incognito, other users will not be able to search or communicate with that user. Users can enable or disable incognito at any time.
The Leaderboard is a feature located in the Networking Lounge that showcases users that have accumulated the most points and badges throughout the course of the event. When logged in, a user’s username will appear at the top of the list, with top earners below. When Incognito, attendees will not be shown on the Leaderboard.
Live Session
Live sessions are sessions that are broadcasted at an event at a specified time. Live sessions are located on a theater page and can be accessed via the Sessions page.
Menu Configuration
Menu configuration refers to the icons and categories available on the left navigation bar of the Platform. The event menu will display the different pages on the event site, such as: Agenda, Speakers, Sessions, Networking Lounge, Roundtables, Expo Hall, My Profile, My Agenda, and Notifications. The menu can be customized using the Events Builder.
Moderated Q&A
Attendees can ask questions during a session via the Moderated Q&A tab in the session player. These questions are monitored by the assigned session moderator. The Moderated Q&A tab is found on the theater page on the right side of the session player.
Moderators are a specific user type that can answer questions which appear in the Moderated Q&A, tab monitor real-time chats in a session, and archive chats for future review. Moderators also can observe current chats, respond to chats, and delete any chats they think are not suited for the audience, or go against the company’s code of conduct.
Networking Lounge
On the Networking Lounge page, users can browse the Attendee Directory, view Hello World! and Soapbox videos, visit Happy Hours, and check out the Leaderboard.
On Demand Session
On demand sessions are sessions that can be viewed at any time during the event. On demand sessions are located on a theater page and can be accessed via the Sessions page.
Playlists, located on sponsor booths, allow sponsors and exhibitors to provide resources for attendees to learn more about their organization, including videos (hosted on YouTube or Vimeo), websites, PDFs, blogs, Contact Me forms, podcasts and more. Playlists help to engage and inform attendees about products, services, and organizations. Event owners, sponsors, and exhibitors can use the Dashboard to view which Playlist content pieces attendees have viewed, and for how long.
Points, along with badges, are awarded to users who complete a certain set of actions or activities set up by the event owner. Event owners must decide which actions or activities will be incentivized. Badges are shown on a user's My Profile page and the event Leaderboard in the Networking Lounge.
Polls are an optional feature that can be used to ask attendees questions while the event is in progress. Polls can be scheduled by event owners to go live at a certain date or time.
Posters are a powerful tool that event owners can use to create presentations and share relevant resources.
Attendees have a profile they can update to include a profile picture, bio, and Hello World! video. On their profile, they can view connections made with other attendees, Soapbox videos they've uploaded, one-on-one chats sent from other attendees, and badges they have earned during the event.
Quizzes are an optional feature that can be set up and customized by the event owner or sponsor to quiz users after sessions and/or Happy Hours.
Q&As allow attendees to ask speakers questions during sessions. These questions are monitored by the assigned session moderator. The Moderated Q&A tab is accessible on the theater room page to the right of the session player.
Users can react during sessions by using the reactions buttons that appear on the right side of the session player.
In order to access an event, users must register through the registration portal. Registration fields can be customized in the Events Builder to ensure they capture all desired information from users.
Resources are downloadable files that can be added to sessions and sponsor booths.
Roundtables are small-group video meetings enabling up to six participants to join via Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Social27 native solution, or a custom link. (Event owners can choose which of these solutions they want to offer in their event.) Roundtables are a great way for users to deepen relationships with other users, sponsors and exhibitors , and the host organization. Anyone can start a Roundtable, and sponsors or exhibitors can host Roundtables on their microsites to deliver demonstrations, Q&As, and more.
Scan My Badge
Scan My Badge is a feature located on sponsors booths where users can opt in to receive communication from particular sponsors or exhibitors . If a user clicks the Scan My Badge button, they give permission to the sponsor or exhibitor to reach out to them via email. The sponsor or exhibitor will then receive a notification email once the attendee scans their badge. The badge includes the attendee's email, name, company, job title, etc.
Simu-Live Session
A simulated live session, or simu-live session, looks and feels like a live session, but is pre-recorded and assembled before the event. Simu-live sessions start at a specified time, similar to a live session.
Soapboxes are short videos users can record from within the Networking Lounge to share their perspective on topics brought up in sessions, Roundtables, or whatever comes to mind. Soapboxes appear in the Soapbox section of the Networking Lounge page, as well as under the My Soapbox tab on user profile pages.
Speakers present, engage with users in their session, and work with the session moderator to respond to Q&A’s. Speaker information is displayed on their My Profile page, on the Speakers page, as well as on the session(s) in which they are speaking.
Sponsors can access their booth (microsite), connect with leads at the event via chat and Roundtables, and view analytics regarding microsite resources, or content in created Playlists. Sponsors also can sponsor a particular session during an event. Sponsor information is displayed on the Expo Hall page, as well as on their individual booth page.
Sponsor Workspace
The web-based tool that sponsors and exhibitors use to edit their individual microsite pages. This tool also contains a Dashboard where analytics about their microsite are displayed, including booth visits, resources use, Playlists views, etc.
Event owners can ask users to complete a survey after watching a session / participating in a Happy Hour. Surveys can be created using five different question types and can help gauge how a user felt about a session/Happy Hour. Surveys are an optional feature on individual sessions/Happy Hours that can be arranged after sessions have been completed.
Theater Page
A theater page is the page users are directed to when they view a session, whether simu-live, live, on demand, or a Happy Hour session. The theater page contains the session player; the session chat menu; speaker bios; resources, Roundtables, and Boardrooms associated with the session; and other session viewers.
Users are broken down by user ‘role’ based on registration for the event. Each user role is associated with a group of ‘permissions’ that restrict access to certain aspects of an event. User roles include attendees, speakers, booth reps, moderators, and event owners. Users can have one role (for example, speaker) and also be given additional permissions (for example, booth rep).
Virtual Event Platform
Social27's Virtual Events Platform offers event software, eLearning, virtual job fairs, and online community solutions. The platform is powered by a recommendation engine and enables highly personalized learning, networking, lead generation, and analytics.
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