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Roundtables and Boardrooms
Roundtables and Boardrooms
Creating and Managing Meetings
How Do I Create Roundtables and Boardrooms from the Events Builder?
How Do I Edit Roundtables and Boardrooms in the Events Builder?
How Do I Create a Roundtable/Boardroom for a Poster (from the Events Builder)?
How Can Zoom Be Integrated into the Virtual Event Experience?
Updating Meeting Settings
How Do I Enable/Disable Different Roundtable/Boardroom Types?
How Do I Enable/Disable Providers for Roundtables/Boardrooms?
How Do I Enable/Disable Viewer Mode in Roundtables/Boardrooms?
How Do I Update the Default Tab on the Roundtables Page?
Sponsored Meetings
How Do I Create Sponsored Roundtables and Boardrooms from the Events Builder?
How Do I Allow Sponsors to Create Roundtables/Boardrooms?